ok!! Here's the text that I have chosen. Which my final animation will be based on. I originally wanted to base it on a poem written by my sister (she's an amazing writer but seems to not realize her talent). She informed me that she doesn't write poems.....whatever.
Anyway, so I went in a different direction since she felt she couldnt (or maybe didn't want to) contribute to my project. sooooo, Im going with a Shel Silverstein Poem instead. I read through my books over break and found many that I could reminisce about. Many emotional, some sad, and tons that were funny that I was constantly reading to Rose and Caroline!!!
Here's the one that I chose...
There is a voice inside of you
That whispers all day long,
"I feel that this is right for me,
I know that this is wrong"
No teacher, preacher, parent, friend
Or wise man can decide
What's right for you - just listen to
The voice that speaks inside.